Ideas for Leveraging Your Field Team During COVID-19

These past few weeks have brought a quick wave of uncertainty for the retail industry as we continue to battle against a growing pandemic. Many brands across the country, and the world, have needed to put their in-store field teams on pause and re-evaluate just about everything in their business. With all of the upheaval […]
How the New Gig Worker Bill Impacts the Beauty Industry

By Kelly Kovack, Founder of Beauty Matter Uber is often credited with unleashing the gig economy, but freelance workers have been the front line of the beauty industry at retail for decades. This army of beauty gig workers are the ultimate influencers—in that store, at that moment, for that consumer, they are the face of […]
The Future of Flexible Work: a conversation with our CEO Glenn Laumeister

The HUGE growth of the gig economy has created challenges for companies. All of a sudden, they needed to figure out how to manage this new flexible workforce. That’s where AllWork comes in. In the latest UpTech Report, our CEO Glenn Laumeister, discusses the platform we built to help manage a 21st-century workforce. Here are […]
Beyond Uber: Why AllWork is Building Enterprise Workforce Management for the Gig Economy

Back in 2009, Uber exploded on the scene and created a completely new way for people to work. They launched the Gig Economy and created an entirely new employment model. For the first time, workers could earn income with no commitment to their employer. Uber drivers could wake up in the morning and they alone […]
College Graduates Need a New Skill: Adapting to the Gig Economy

It’s becoming clearer and clearer that the world of work that today’s college graduates are facing is vastly different from the one of their parents’ generation. Long gone are the days when you joined one company, stayed for the next 30 years, and retired with a gold watch. In fact, among jobs held by workers […]
Skilled Freelancers Now Earn More than 70% of Workers

Surprised? According to a new study released just this month by Upwork and Freelancers Union titled Freelancing in America 2019, freelancers performing a skilled services earn a median rate of $28 an hour, which is more than 70% of workers in the overall U.S. economy. The desire for flexibility is driving this huge growth with 57 million Americans now […]
How to Utilize On-Demand Staffing for the Holidays

Hiring for the holiday season is already well underway, and if you’re a brand supporting your retailer partners with staff, then you know how difficult it can be to hire and schedule such an enormous fleet of seasonal workers. When staffing, especially during the critical hiring season, it can be tough to create a balanced […]
Summary: SIA Gig Economy Conference 2019

By Glenn Laumeister, CEO AllWork I just returned from the Staffing Industry Analyst annual Gig Economy conference in San Diego and here is a brief summary of what I learned. First, San Diego is an amazing city with probably the best weather in the world and I would say my #1 choice for a conference — […]
30 Million American Now Rely on the Gig Economy

There are some incredible new numbers this week from a report just published by insurance giant MetLife Inc. In it, they found that about 30 million Americans rely on “gig work” as their primary income source, and 67% of full-time employees indicated that they’re looking to move to more flexible work in the future rather […]
Leadership Tips for Contingent Workforce Managers

By Sophie Elise As industry needs continue to change, more and more companies are exploring the benefits of a contingent workforce. In fact, as many as 40% of American workers classify as on-demand basis employees, most commonly in the form of freelancers and consultants. For management, making the transition towards adopting a contingent workforce model entails […]