Surprising Stats About the Gig-Economy

There has been some apprehension about the job landscape as it changes into a more flexible, on-demand environment. While some people are worried about job stability and the lack of certain benefits that come from being a freelance or contract worker, we can no longer deny that freelance is the way of the future. Many […]
What Will the Workforce Look Like in 2025?

As the transformation of the workforce brings more flexible alternatives to the traditional, full-time permanent position, it is time for companies to re-think the way they categorize employees. A recent Randstad study of more than 3,100 workers and 1,500 HR and c-suite executives revealed some surprising numbers about how some companies are preparing for this shift.
How Technology Helps Retail Staffing

In a large retail company, technology has become essential for organizing freelancer staff and their schedules. Staying on a consistent schedule helps to keep everyone balanced and lets managers forecast future needs during certain seasons, months, weeks or even hours of the day. Inconsistent customer service and scheduling can leave sales on the table, something that no […]
53% of Freelancers Are Women

Freelancing is an open environment for anyone to find their niche, work at a steady pace, and earn a sustainable living. New findings show that women are more likely to be independent workers.
Help Wanted: How Millennials Look For Work

This week, the AllWork team attended our first Millennial 20/20 Conference where we released the findings of our recent survey, “How Millenials Look for Work”. This summit, based in New York, is a gathering of over 4,000 brands and attendees to discuss the next generation in commerce. AllWork CEO, Glenn Laumeister gave a presentation on […]
87% of Millennials Want to Choose Their Own Work Hours

Technology is making it easier than ever for today’s workforce to choose where they want to work, when they want to work, and who they want to work for. Millennials, the largest generation represented in the workforce today, are driving a huge shift towards on-demand and flexible work with a reported 92% wanting to work […]
The Future Of Labor

Author Fred Wilson recently discussed the ever-changing future of the American workforce and what trends will have the largest impact. While we’ve heard a lot about globalization and outsourcing over the past thirty years, the next two big megatrends are starting to emerge. They are the move to an on-demand model for work and the automation […]
Want Customers to Love Your Brand? A Store is Still Key.

While the development of online and mobile shopping experiences have brought extreme convenience and on-demand features to the retail industry, not everything in business should be changed by apps and other digital platforms. Although buying products online is fast, new, and shiny, brands shouldn’t be overdependent on that style of business. Ignoring the value of an in-store experience dismissed the […]
HALF of Canadian Workforce to be Freelance by 2020

While a lot of attention is given to the rapidly growing freelancer workforce in the US, self-employment is also on the rise in Canada. In fact, according to new research released by Intuit Canada, 45% of the Canadian workforce will be classified as freelance, contract, or on-demand by the year 2020. That is, in fact, […]
Growing or Shrinking? How Freelancing Will Change in 2017

There has been a LOT of speculation lately about the job outlook for 2017, and you can’t ignore the ever-growing gig-economy and just how much of an impact this will have on job growth and opportunity. Findings from Adobe revealed that one-third of the 1,000 U.S. office workers they polled had a second job and more […]