The Great Resignation Means More Freelancers

Last year, over 47 million Americans voluntarily quit their jobs in a mass exit from the workforce that is now widely known as the Great Resignation. According to a new global survey by PwC, one in five say they are likely to switch jobs in the next 12 months. While a record-breaking number of workers are quitting their […]

3 Contractor Compliance Challenges & How to Avoid Them

If you’re working with a flexible, contractor workforce, then you’ve no doubt spent time thinking about compliance. Overseeing this type of workforce is much different from the way you manage and oversee your full-time employees. There are different compliance risks that come with classifying, managing, and paying your freelancers, contractors, consultants and anyone else who […]

Why You Should Partner With an Employer of Record (EOR)

If you are familiar with the world of HR, you may have heard the term “employer of record”. But what exactly does it mean? An employer of record, also known as an EOR, is a third-party organization that serves as the employer for tax purposes while the employee continues to perform work at a different company. […]

“Work From Anywhere” Needs A New Payment Strategy

A great re-shift of the current workforce has changed the way that businesses think about hiring and retaining talent. A record-breaking number of people have resigned from their jobs since the summer of last year – and the trend has only continued through the beginning of 2022. This so-named Great Resignation is only speeding up.  It’s interesting […]

How Are You Paying Freelancer Expenses?

If you’re working with freelancers, even just a few, then chances are you have found yourself needing to pay and process freelancer expenses. Whether these are one-off payments for events or supplies or reoccurring expenses that happen say every week or every month, trying to process them in-house can be frustrating.  It isn’t as straightforward […]

Which Industries Have The Most Freelancers And Why?

By: Sophia Elise The Gig Economy has been manifesting steady growth in the last decade. Now, it’s fueled by an influx of highly skilled professionals who are seeking more flexible alternatives to traditional work environments. Companies and hiring managers are well-aware of this and are turning more to freelancers for niche roles and projects that […]

Workforce Trends to Watch in 2022

After such a tumultuous year, there are some top workforce trends that we think will only accelerate in 2022. COVID has changed a lot of things about the way we live and work; it’s also accelerated trends that may have taken decades to evolve. In many ways, we’ve seen 25 years of change in just […]

Is Your PEO Set up to Help You Pay Freelancers?

Human resource teams in any business wear many hats. From completing administrative tasks such as payroll, addressing performance issues, and providing benefits, there are a lot of moving pieces to support their organization. HR challenges can be a burden to businesses and slow down hiring and growth, which is why many companies, especially small or medium-sized […]

Hiring Shortage? Freelancers can Fill the Talent Gaps

There has been a whole lot of talk lately about the great resignation. The past two years have caused full-time workers to reconsider their priorities. A lot of them are coming to the same conclusion and choosing flexibility in their careers and leaving their traditional jobs behind. While this trend towards choosing freelance, flexible work over […]

How Technology Can Help You Hire Freelancers

The battle for hiring this year is fierce. A large portion of the workforce is reconsidering their work-life and moving away from ridged 9-5 full-time roles. Workers are shifting where they want to work — and how. An incredible 59 million people in the US are now freelancing. By shifting to freelancing, workers are getting the […]