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Flexibility will still be king
The need for companies to offer workers flexibility is a topic that rules the conversation last year and looks like it has no plans to slow down. With unemployment at an all-time low, employees have the upper hand and companies need to adapt to this new way of work. Long gone are the days when employees stayed at one company for 30 years working 9-5 every day.
There’s no denying that the way we work changed dramatically with a huge emphasis on flexibility. In fact, a study by
Even more than that, a survey conducted by software firm Qualtrics found that 76% of Millennials would take a pay cut to work for a company that offers flexible hours. Think about that, they would rather make less and have a more flexible schedule. This is a huge shift in the way past workforces have approached the working work and companies will need to step up to the plate.
Skills, Skills, Skills
Another benefit that companies will need in order to attract top talent? Education. Companies will have no choice but to make training, learning, and development top priorities in 2020. Why? Because the workforce is demanding it. Millennials and Gen Z’s now expect learning and growth on the job and companies need to develop meaningful education programs. And not just for skills critical to business success today, but for those that will matter in the future as well.
About 86% of the workforce say that job training is important to them and nearly 74% are willing to learn new skills – even outside of work hours – to improve their job performance.
This is a trend that will benefit both the employee and the company they work for. By providing better on-the-job training and growth, companies are investing in their employees’ future and hopefully reducing turnover. Training gives employees the opportunity to acquire a wider skill-set and extend their roles into more areas, which leads to more productivity.
Workforce management = technology
The last crucial piece of the puzzle for companies in 2020 is technology. Managers need technology if they’re going to offer those flexible schedules that employees want. Technology is usually something that’s spoken about on the AI/robot side of the conversation. What’s left out is the technology that companies will need to actually optimize and efficiently manage their team.
Matching employees with the hours they want and employers with the staffing they need was not always possible in the past when rigid rosters and paper schedules ruled the world, but technology is changing that, and the right platform can drive benefits on both sides of the equation.
Want to learn more about how to efficiently manage your own workforce? For more information, or to see a full demo of the AllWork