Relaunching Freelancers at Retail: A CEW Webinar

Now that stores are reopening and customers are shopping again, if you’re a brand, you’re probably thinking about how to put sales talent back into stores to drive engagement and increase sales. Glenn Laumeister, CEO, AllWork, and Amanda Domaleczny, VP of Global Sales, TULA Skincare, recently hosted a CEW Webinar to discuss a case study on engaging your retail audience with AllWork’s technology platform and how you can apply these best practices when re-entering the retail scene.

Whether you are an indie company just gaining entry into brick and mortar, or a brand with an established in-store presence, this webinar shares best practices on how to maximize the return of investment of your sales force and enhance the in-store experience for the new retail environment.

Watch the full video recording of the webinar below!

Looking for more best practices for relaunching your freelancers at retail? Reach out to the AllWork team at or schedule a demo here.