Ideas for Leveraging Your Field Team During COVID-19

These past few weeks have brought a quick wave of uncertainty for the retail industry as we continue to battle against a growing pandemic.  Many brands across the country, and the world, have needed to put their in-store field teams on pause and re-evaluate just about everything in their business. With all of the upheaval going on maybe you are thinking about how to restructure your field team.

Rather than have them out of work completely, there could be some great ways to tap into their talent to help your brand navigate through these uncharted times. While no one has an exact playbook, we’ve noticed some creative ways brands have been utilizing their field team to keep things moving while retailers are closed.

1) Have your brand ambassadors host digital classes around health and wellness, makeup application, and skincare tips. While they can’t do these in person, keep the communication open by providing resources to your customers through online classes that stay relevant to your brand. Now more than ever, customers are looking for you to be a resource of information. Set up a digital platform and let your field team connect with their clients from home until they can be back in the stores.

2) During a typical visit to a retailer, customers can have one-on-one consultations with your field team, so why not continue those appointments digitally? There’s still plenty of guidance that your team can give to customers even from afar. Letting customers know that your team is still there for them, even giving the circumstances, will keep your brand top-of-mind when stores begin to open again.

3) Create conversations between your field team and customers virtually and tap into your field team to assist your digital sales and marketing efforts. Arguably, no one knows your products and your customers better than your in-store team so why not leverage them to help with online sales as well? Have this field team work hand-and-hand with your sales and marketing teams to help convert online sales while brick-and-mortar sales aren’t possible.

Looking for more ideas? We’d love to brainstorm ways to organize your field team to drive efficiency, especially during these challenging times. We can share best practices and answer any questions you may have. Contact the AllWork team at or schedule a demo.