47% of Hiring Managers Plan to Use More Freelancers Because of Covid-19

Hiring Flexible Workers

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly had an effect on the workforce, with companies being forced to furlough employees or eliminate roles entirely. Now, businesses are taking this time the reevaluate just how many full-time roles they actually need and how they can tap into the nearly 60 million freelancers who work every year in the US. 

According to a recent survey by UpWork and ClearlyRated, 47% of managers are more likely to hire independent professionals in the future than they were before the impact of Covid-19. The survey also found that 73% of hiring managers are continuing or increasing their use of independent professionals. In the future, having flexibility in the way you hire and manage your employees will be a necessity. 

Hiring flexible workers has the clear benefit of being able to scale up your workforce when you need it and scale down when you don’t. A perk that many businesses are now realizing is critical to pivot your business in an emergency. It’s time to embrace the benefits of having a flexible team!


Want to learn more about how to efficiently manage your flexible workforce? For more information, reach out to info@allworknow.com or schedule a demo here.