What is a Permalancer?

We all may be familiar with a freelancer who works for a company on a one-off project basis – someone you hire from a talent platform, assign a project, and their work for you is done. Instead, these past few years have seen the rise of a new type of freelancer, a Permalancer.  This is […]

10 Impressive Gig Economy Statistics

What we’ve witnessed in recent years is a dramatic shift from traditional 9-5 full-time employment to more freelancing, part-time, and contract roles. This change is driven by both sides: employees, who want flexibility and freedom to be their own boss and employers, who see the benefits of being able to tap into talent for work […]

How to Streamline Your Freelancer Onboarding

Over the past year, companies of all sizes continue to work with more and more freelancers to help them run their business across all types of job functions, diverse skill sets, and departments.  In fact, in 2020 there were 64.8 million freelancers in the US. By 2027, that number is expected to hit 86.5 million, accounting for […]

Steps for Successful Freelancer Management

With over 59 million people in the US freelancing this year, chances are that you’re currently working with, or plan to work with, flexible workers. When you do, you’ll quickly realize that managing and paying freelancers is vastly different than how you oversee your full-time team. Instead of having a set schedule with set salaries, […]

What You’ll Need for Flexible Workforce Management

This past year has shown us all just how important flexibility is in the workplace. Rigid schedules are a thing of the past for most companies, and relying on only full-time 9-5 workers is too. Now, most companies have a blended workforce consisting of some full-time, some part-time, and some freelance. Many companies are still […]

Why Employee Engagement Should Be a Top Priority

In a year as tumultuous as 2020, employee engagement can be key to building a successful business. Improving your employee engagement results in employees who are more committed to their jobs, will do their best even when the manager is not watching, and are willing to go the extra mile. Simply put, engaged employees lead […]